Excellent Refrigeration is an absolute essential for any kitchen anywhere. Restaurants, cafes, hotels, homes, offices you name it. Refrigerators are real hard workers. They are expected to work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so it is of most paramount importance that you pick the right one best suited for your needs. There are ten things you need to think about it and consider before making that worthy spend.
1. Where?
Where will the fridge be situated? Have you measured around and found the right fridge to fit your dimensions? Have you checked then double checked your measurements by measuring height, depth and width? Make sure you check cubic feet. If you want to get your measurements checked why not ask your suppliers to do it their way? Your supplier will know how best to fit it so don’t hesitate to ask them. Here at Caterfix we are more than happy to do so with our expert engineers ready to tackle all problems, any shape size or quantity.
2. Specifics
Pay attention to the specifics on what you need. Do you need something that is stainless steel, do you need something with a prep counter so the food can be stored underneath? There are so many different types of fridges and freezers so finding one that you need to fit your exact needs can be difficult. The best way to work out the specifics to what you need is to ask your chefs. The chefs are going to be the ones working on them so they’re going to know best. Again, another solution is to ask your suppliers. Our engineers know everything there is to know about the specifics to what you’ll need and their expert advice will be invaluable to you.
3. Storage
How much space does your refrigerator/freezer/coldroom need to have? Will you be keeping lots of meat cold? Will you only be using the fridge for some bottles for making drinks? For example…
- Select a pass-through refrigerator for holding large amounts of food while conserving space.
- Choose a pizza prep table, sandwich prep table or worktop with a refrigeration unit underneath if your restaurant needs to keep prep food cold.
- Consider a convenience store type refrigerator in the style of a stand-up beverage holder, a countertop beverage holder or a deli display case.
- Pick out a specialty refrigeration unit for your particular business. This might be a floral cooler, milk cooler, sushi display case, wine cooler or a vertical air curtain refrigerator.
For all of the different types of refrigeration have a look here on our website: http://www.caterfix.com/section.php/4/1/refrigerators or for help on finding the right refrigeration for you why not give us a call here at Caterfix and we’ll solve your problem quickly, 01733 561555
4. Top or Bottom?
Have you considered whether you will buy a top or bottom mounted unit? Select a bottom-mounted condensing unit if you are looking for a refrigerator that is easy to clean and raised to knee level instead of sitting on the ground. Choose a top-mounted condensing unit if you don’t want to worry about debris collecting in the unit on the floor.
5. Budgets
Make sure you know your clear budget. If you are trying to save it is more likely you would go for a lesser know brand however this can come with consequences as they are often less trusted. By spending that little bit more on that little bit of a bigger yet much more trusted brand may help you more in the long run. The best and most trusted brands for refrigerators are Fosters, Williams and Interlevin. You can find trusted sources on our website here, http://www.caterfix.com/section.php/21/1/search-by-brand. Another thing that’s worth looking up is warranty and payment methods. Currently Fosters Refrigerators has an offer on all of their products for 12 Months Interest Free.
6. Doors
Keep that door tightly shut! If your door is constantly being opened and closed without being shut properly the cold air from inside the refrigerator is going to escape and the hot air from the kitchen is going to replace it, this is why it is important you consider what system the unit is using. Fan assisted and forced air systems will help with recovery times.
7. Position of Shelving
Consider whether you need your shelves to be fixed or whether you’d prefer them to be removable so you can allow gastronorms to replace them. You may need to consider height adjustable shelving for your convenience, but this depends on what it is you will be storing. Make sure your shelves are compatible with with your gastronorm containers to utilise as much usable space as possible. This is especially important if food is being cooked in gastronorms and then placed directly into the refrigeration unit.
8. Doors, take two.
Having your doors feature auto return may be the best way forward. This way they close automatically and stop internal fridge temperature rising when the door is left open.
9. Cleaning and Maintenance
Cleaning and Maintenance: Ensure you clean inside and outside regularly to keep it working at its optimum level. Do you require castors for easy manoeuvrability and cleaning?
10. Energy Consumption
Last but certainly not least is energy consumption. As refrigeration equipment works 24 hours a day 365 days a year it is continuously using energy. You need to consider the most beneficial ways of saving energy to reduce that all important carbon footprint. Consider machines like the EcoPro range from Fosters which is designed to reduce carbon footprint as much as possible. Saving energy also saves you money so it may be worth your time to do some research.