Recent deals from CaterFix!
Recently CaterFix have been working for a fantastic ordeal! Supplying and commissioning Aqua water park in Scarborough. We have delivered a large amount of equipment to the waterpark as they were looking to revamp their kitchen and make some changes with additions to better the kitchen.
With careful planning, measurements and discovering what catering equipment would best suit the food demands from the kitchen alongside ensuring that the machines would cook beautifully providing delicious meals ensured that the water park would be able to give their customers the food that they deserve.
Now the Aqua water park in Scarborough has a beautifully laid out kitchen with fantastic equipment. With having Rationals in their kitchen it will reduce cooking time due to the quantity and variety of meals that can be cooked in there! Lavish new countertops and plenty more equipment that is making it sparkle! A job well done and a pleasure to work with the Aqua water park Scarborough team!